What Life Coaching is (& isn't) - how does it work?
The word "Life Coach" has become a buzzword the last few years. I admit, before having one, I didn't really get it either. Is that like therapy (done that, got t-shirt)? Counseling (didn't I have that in school?) Is it mentoring (how can someone mentor me on my own life?)
However, the number of people who have been getting life coaching and business coaching during 2020- 2021 has increased due to highly unpredictable situations relating to job, family and lockdown, and disruptive change. The only positive side of the pandemic is that ZOOM has made it more possible for life coaches to be more accessible to everyone who has been stuck at home.
"I'm a Transformational Life Coach," I explain. "I help expats gain self awareness, get unstuck, create goals to live a more fulfilling life aligned with their values."
People usually say, "So, how does that work? Is that like therapy?' I realized that there are a lot of misunderstandings about what life coaching is and isn't and how a life coach can help you in your life. Many people have the idea that it's either like mentoring or a light version of therapy, but that's not exactly accurate. Life coaching is about helping you reach your full potential NOW and for the FUTURE. Let's get to explaining some misunderstandings so you can see if it's right for you.
What is Life Coaching?
Like there are many kinds of everything, there are kinds of life coaches. I specialize in Transformational Life Coaching, which "has evolved as a more complete approach to coaching, moving away from a simple performance-focused tool that is traditionally used to one of a humanistic and psychological focus, where the whole person is taken into account – not just what is visible on the surface. It is a reflective way of coaching that aims to explore a client’s cognitive, emotional, sensory and relational patterns in order to create a more complete understanding of their perspective on the world."
“Transformational coaching creates the space for the client to see themselves afresh.”
Nick Bolton, Founder, Animas

Life coaches can:
- Help you uncover your vision and talents, and guide you through achieving your goals. He or she will help you identify your strengths and better understand your weaknesses so you can overcome them. It's also about discovering what your real skills and talents are so you can use them to your advantage.
- Help you get clear on your WHY behind your goals. Do your wants align with your values in life or are you measuring against someone else's standards?
- Help you gain self awareness - we don't know what we don't know. And with self awareness, some of us are on autopilot, just reacting to things without thinking of how we could better handle situations with our colleagues, families, partners instead of impulsively reacting.
- Help you understand your emotional needs and limiting beliefs that keep you stopping yourself and in your own damn way.
- Help you create plans and be accountable for the steps you take and goals you set for yourself.
- Help you uncover your success blocks, or better understand where your standards or boundaries don't align with what you're allowing in your life.
What Life Coaching isn’t
Here are some things that are not part of life coaching and its process:
- Exploring past traumas and digging up past issues (better explored in therapy).
- Treating mental illness or disorders.
- Managing anxieties or depression (coaching can be an accompaniment but not a substitute for psychotherapy).
- Getting advice. Unlike mentorship, your life coach doesn't tell you what to do, rather helps you find the answers within yourself.
How does life coaching work?
Life coaching is 100% focused on YOU and what you want to get out of it. You are there to drive the experience and get out of it what you put into it.
Here's how it works when you book a discovery call session with me:
- You get a free ZOOM discovery call so we can get to know each other and see whether we can work together.
- In the first session, it's about evaluating your personal and professional life and where you are in your life at the moment.
- Based on this evaluation and what you want to get out of the experience, we can help you prioritize where you want to start and what you want to work on.
- Some people come with specific issues, like getting ahead at work, managing poor habits in relationships, creating better boundaries or standards.
- We can either work on self awareness, your beliefs, your values, or help you determine your goals and figure out the right way of achieving them.
- You can get life coaching to help you through certain difficult periods in your life where things are confusing.
Whether it is about drastic changes in your career, or wanting to try something new, I'm here to help you to be the best version of yourself. It is all about knowing your potential and doing your best to achieve your goals. Ready to book a FREE 15-min ZOOM to see where you can make changes to get out of your own damn way? Book a session now!
ANDREA HUNT - Transformational Life Coach & EFT Tapping Practitioner based in Munich, Germany

As an Accredited Transformational Coach (Animas Centre UK) and Certified EFT Practitioner (AEFTP), I help you overcome low self-worth, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs using powerful EFT Tapping and coaching. Ready to transform your emotional health and boost your confidence?
If you’re curious about EFT Tapping and how it can enhance your emotional resilience while addressing issues like low self-worth, perfectionism, and negative self-talk, download my FREE EFT book! ➡️ https://bit.ly/4e672x7