How Childhood Bullying Impacts Men's Self-Esteem & How EFT Tapping Restores Confidence

Childhood bullying often follows men into adulthood, impacting their self-esteem and confidence. As Julia Gillard said, "Bullying is not just physical violence; it's psychological violence that leaves scars on the soul." Discover how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help men rebuild their self-esteem and inner strength, offering hope and healing from these emotional wounds. Learn how EFT can be a powerful tool for recovery and confidence.


Bullying isn't just something that happens on the playground; it's a real problem that follows many men into adulthood, impacting how they feel about themselves. This persistent issue can lead to a lot of sadness and low self-confidence. One out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019 ).

"Bullying is not just about physical violence, it's also about psychological violence - the kind of violence that leaves scars on the soul."-Julia Gillard

However, there's a hopeful solution in the form of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or tapping, which offers a way for men to rebuild their self-esteem and find inner strength. Tapping is a method that combines gentle touch with spoken positive affirmations, helping to calm the mind and heal emotional scars. By exploring how bullying affects men's mental health and introducing them to EFT, this blog aims to help men everywhere stand strong and feel confident again.

Overview of Bullying and Its Prevalence Among Men

Bullying isn't just something that happens in school playgrounds; it follows many men into adulthood, appearing in different forms that are often hard to recognize and talk about.

According to StopBullying.Gov:

"In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education released the first federal definition of bullying. The definition includes three core elements:

  • unwanted aggressive behavior
  • observed or perceived power imbalance
  • repetition or high likelihood of repetition of bullying behaviors

This definition helps determine whether an incident is bullying or another type of aggressive behavior or both".

Jerry Zhang

Men may even encounter bullying at work later in life, during social events, or online, yet these incidents frequently go unaddressed due to societal expectations that men should simply "tough it out." This silence around the subject can severely affect a man's confidence and overall mental health.

Yes, on some level, most of us know that..

"People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.” – Dan Pearce

But that awareness later in life doesn't erase years of hurt and pain or being afraid to be seen or feel safe speaking up. Constantly facing such unhealthy pressures can make individuals feel isolated and undervalued, undermining their sense of self-worth and well-being. It is crucial to acknowledge and discuss these experiences openly to foster a more supportive environment where everyone can feel safe and respected.

Defining Self-Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem is all about how much we value ourselves and feel worthy, whereas confidence is about how strongly we believe in our ability to deal with challenges. Both self-esteem and confidence are really important for living a happy and successful life. However, when kids experience bullying, these feelings can be heavily damaged.

Bullies often pick on others to make them feel bad about themselves, which can make the survivor's self-esteem plunge. At the same time, dealing with bullying can shake a child’s confidence, making them doubt their ability to handle problems or stand up for themselves in tough situations. It's crucial to support and uplift each other to ensure that everyone can embrace their own worth and face life's challenges with a strong spirit.

What does EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) have to do with recovery?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT tapping, is an interesting method that people use to help people release negative emotions, the emotional charge of past experience, and boost confidence and feelings of self-worth.

Recently, this technique has shown promise in helping men who have suffered from bullying to regain their emotional strength and confidence. By tapping and talking through their experiences, they can begin to heal from past hurts and build a stronger, more resilient mindset. This approach is not just about forgetting the negative but also about learning and growing stronger emotionally, which is essential for anyone who has been bullied.

But first, let's talk about the effects of bullying on men and their self esteem..

The Psychology of Bullying and Its Emotional Impact on Men

Common Forms of Childhood Bullying

StopBullying.Org states that:

Students ages 12-18  experienced  various types of bullying, including:

Being the subject of rumors or lies (13.4%)

Being made fun of, called names, or insulted (13.0%)

Pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on (5.3%)

Leaving out/exclusion (5.2%)

Threatened with harm (3.9%)

Others tried to make them do things they did not want to do (1.9%)

Property was destroyed on purpose (1.4%)

Physical Bullying and Aggressive Confrontations

Physical bullying is a common challenge that many men experience, and it can deeply affect them emotionally. This type of bullying direct physical actions like hitting or pushing, which are not just painful physically but also emotionally damaging. Men who go through this often feel vulnerable and powerless, which can really hurt their self-esteem.

Imagine walking through life feeling like you't protect yourself or that you're always a target; it’s tough and can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness. It's important to recognize how damaging this can be and look for ways to support those affected. Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected, and understanding the emotional impact of physical bullying is a step towards making that a reality for all men.

Verbal Abuse and Derogatory Remarks

Often, what some people brush off as just joking around can actually hurt others deeply. When people make mean comments or keep saying hurtful things, it can make someone really bad about themselves. Even if's meant as a joke, being called names or teased all the time can make hard for someone to see their own worth. It's important to remember that words have power. They can either lift someone up or bring them down. Next time, before calling it just banter, think about how those words might affect the other person. It's always better to be kind, because everyone deserves to feel valued and respected.

Cyberbullying in the Digital Age

In today's world, cyberbullying has become a harsh reality that extends well beyond traditional settings like schools or workplaces. With the widespread use of digital platforms, this form of harassment can reach anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Men, in particular, are not immune to these online attacks, which often follow them right into their personal spaces that should be safe havens. The safety and security one feels at home can be shattered harsh words and threats delivered through screens. This constant accessibility leaves little room for escape, amplifying the emotional impact of bullying.

It's important now, more than ever, to recognize and address the seriousness of cyberbullying against men to protect their mental well-being and ensure they too have true safe spaces in the digital age.

Psychological Consequences of Being Bullied

Development of Anxiety and Depression

If you've been bullied, it can leave deep emotional scars. Kids and adults who face bullying often feel alone, scared, and sad. These emotions don't just disappear; they can grow into bigger problems like anxiety and depression. Anxiety makes a person feel worried all the time, even about small things, while depression can make them feel hopeless and lose interest in activities they used to enjoy.

Imagine a heavy backpack all day, every day; that's what anxiety and depression can feel like for someone who's been bullied. It's important to understand this so we can offer our support and kindness to those who are hurting from these experiences. Being there for someone, listening to them, or standing up against bullying can make a huge difference in their lives, helping to lighten that emotional load.

Social Withdrawal and Isolation

Often when men face these sorts of inner conflicts, they might they not know how to talk about it so they choose to step back and distance themselves from others. However, avoiding social interactions can really affect relationships both at work and in their personal lives.

Without realizing it, they might create even more loneliness and feelings of being disconnected.

This withdrawal can make it hard for them to communicate well and maintain good relationships, which are essential not just for happiness but also for succeeding at work and living a fulfilling life. It’s important for everyone to try to reach out and stay connected, even when it’s tempting to pull away.

Impacts on Mental Health and Future Relationships

Bullying is more than just "mean behavior"; it can have lasting effects on your mental health and how you relate to others in the future. If you get bullied, especially over a long period, it can leave you feeling hurt, scared, and alone. This ongoing stress can lead to psychological trauma, which might make it hard for you to trust people or make friends as you grow older.

Plus, you might often feel anxious or sad a lot of the time, which affects your ability to be happy and emotionally stable.

Deeper Effects on Self-Esteem and Confidence

Erosion of Self-Worth and Personal Value

If you've faced repeated negative experiences, it often affects how you see yourself. Think of it like a small voice keeps whispering you're not good enough, making you feel less valuable and unsure of yourself. Over time, this feeling can grow stronger, especially if these hurtful experiences don't stop. This isn't just about feeling sad or having a bad day; it's about how you start to see yourself all the time. It can shake the confidence you have in your own abilities and make it hard to believe in your worth.

Difficulty in Trusting Your Abilities and Decisions

If you've been bullied, it can really shake your confidence in making choices. You might have an inner voice that is constantly doubting you; it starts to make you doubt yourself too. Soon, you might find yourself hesitating every time you need to make a decision, worried about getting it wrong again. T

his doesn't just stay at school or at work—it can follow you everywhere, making it tough to trust your own thoughts and feelings.'s like trying to walk through a fog, where every feels uncertain. It's important for everyone, kids and adults, to remember that being bullied is never your fault, and that each of us has the right to believe in ourselves and the choices we make.

Long-term Career and Personal Life Ramifications

When a person's self-esteem plummets, it doesn't just hurt their feelings—it can bleed into their professional life and personal relationships. Imagine turning up at a job you're good at, but doubting your skills every step of the way. This lack of confidence can make you less likely to ask for a promotion or lead a project, holding you back from moving up in your career.

At home, low-esteem can make you feel unworthy of happiness, affecting the quality of your relationships with loved ones. It's like carrying a heavy weight that dims your enjoyment of day-to-day activities and makes you feel less hopeful about achieving your dreams. Rebuilding self-confidence is crucial not just for your mental health, but for nurturing your career and personal life to their fullest potential.

EFT Tapping For "Belief Wounding"

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping is a, yet powerful method that combines principles from both ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology and can be extremely helpful for belief wounding in men.

"Belief wounding" might not be a term you hear every day, but its effects are far-reaching and can significantly shape how you feel about yourself, what's possible for you, and what you deserve - all of these directly affect the way you show up in life, which in turn shapes your life."- Andrea Hunt.

Imagine having a tool at your fingertips—quite literally—that could help manage stress, anxiety, and even physical pain. EFT Tapping involves gently tapping specific points on your body, mainly around the head and face, which correspond to energy points on the body connected to the nervous system. Maybe it sounds weird, but there's plenty of scientific backing behind it!

This process clears emotional blocks within your body's energy system, making it easier to maintain mental and physical health. The beauty of EFT Tapping lies in its simplicity and the fact that it can be practiced anywhere and anytime. It's gaining popularity as a go-to technique for those seeking a non-invasive, drug-free way to enhance their well-being and tackle everyday challenges related to psychological health. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by daily stress or dealing with long-standing issues, EFT provides a means to restore balance and emotional peace.

How EFT Tapping Works to Rebuild Confidence

Psychological Re-calibration

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is a powerful, especially for men who have experienced bullying. This simple method involves tapping specific points on the body, to acupuncture but without the needles, which calms the nervous system. For many men, bullying leaves a lasting impact, shaking their confidence and making it hard to move past those negative experiences. EFT Tapping acts like a psychological reset button, allowing them to confront and release these fears.

By methodically tapping these points while thinking about past incidences of bullying, men can gradually lessen the emotional impact these memories hold. Over time, this practice can help rebuild self-esteem, making them feel more secure and confident in their daily lives. This approach not only aids in healing emotional scars but empowers them to face new challenges with a stronger, more assured mindset.

Implementing EFT Tapping as a Therapeutic Tool for Bullied Men

Getting Started with EFT Tapping Sessions

Frequency and Duration of EFT Sessions

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), commonly known as tapping, is a powerful method to manage stress, emotions, and overall well-being. When starting your EFT journey, you can expect sessions to last typically between 60 to 90 minutes. During these sessions, specific events and the related emotions and beliefs can be addressed. This technique involves tapping on particular points of the body, which align with energy meridians used in acupuncture.

The beauty of EFT lies in its flexibility—it can be tailored to suit any person and any situation. Regular sessions, spaced according to your personal needs, help in gradually alleviating emotional distress and fostering a greater sense of peace. This self-help tool not only equips you with the means to deal with immediate issues but also aids in the long-term management of emotional health.

Integrating EFT into Daily Routines

Simple EFT Exercises for Routine Practice

In addition to the in-person or ZOOM sessions, daily or frequent short videos of EFT Tapping (5-10 min) can be super helpful for 'maintenance'. Simple routines to incorporate into daily life to consistently manage stress and reinforce confidence. I recommend doing them first thing in the morning and again in the evening before bedtime or maybe during the day.

Using EFT Tapping During Stressful Situations

Tapping can offer immediate relief in stressful situations, providing a practical tool for emotional management. It's a great way to re-calibrate after something has thrown you off emotionally or caught you by surprise during the way. It happens. We get a rude email from a colleague or our boss, someone says something in an odd way, or maybe we're worried about speaking up or we keep thinking about the way we said something and are questioning ourselves.

Long-term Adherence to EFT Practices

Regular practice can enhance its effectiveness, fostering long-term emotional resilience and self-assurance.

EFT Sessions to Build Inner Strength with EFT Tapping

Bullying leaves deep scars that can impact your confidence and self-esteem for years. If you've been struggling with these effects, it's time to take action and reclaim your power.

I offer personalized and private ZOOM sessions to help you work through your issues so you can feel empowered and whole. This journey through understanding the impact of bullying and discovering the healing potential of EFT tapping can be the key to your transformation. EFT tapping is a simple yet profound method that has helped countless men regain control and confidence in their lives.

Don’t let the effects of bullying hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards healing and empowerment today. Contact me to schedule your personalized EFT tapping session and start feeling empowered and whole again. You deserve to live confidently and fully, free from the shadows of the past.

Reach out now and begin your journey to a more empowered you!


What is EFT Tapping and Can It Really Help Men Affected by Bullying?

EFT tapping is a therapeutic technique that involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on distressing thoughts or feelings. This method helps to manage stress and emotional distress effectively. Many individuals have used EFT tapping to overcome the lasting effects of bullying, finding it beneficial in rebuilding their self-esteem and emotional resilience.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated with EFT Tapping?

EFT tapping is considered safe and non-invasive, with minimal to no known side effects. However, it’s important to note that individuals may experience a temporary increase in emotional intensity as past traumas are brought to the surface and addressed during tapping sessions. This is a normal part of the healing process.

How Long Does It Typically Take to Notice Improvements in Self-Esteem with EFT Tapping?

Many people report immediate relief from distress after a session of EFT tapping. For longer-term changes in self-esteem and emotional well-being, it typically takes consistent practice over a period of weeks to months. The frequency and regularity of tapping sessions can influence the speed and extent of improvements.

Can EFT Tapping Replace Other Forms of Therapy?

While EFT tapping can be incredibly effective in managing stress and emotional issues, it is best used as a complementary tool alongside other forms of therapy, particularly for complex psychological issues. Integrating EFT with traditional therapeutic approaches can provide a more comprehensive treatment plan.

Is EFT Tapping Supported by Psychologists, and Is It Scientifically Validated?

Many psychologists and mental health professionals recognize the benefits of EFT tapping and incorporate it into their practices. There is a growing body of scientific research supporting the efficacy of EFT tapping in reducing stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, validating its use as a therapeutic tool.

ANDREA HUNT - Transformational Life Coach & EFT Tapping Practitioner based in Munich, Germany

As an Accredited Transformational Coach (Animas Centre UK) and Certified EFT Practitioner (AEFTP), I help you overcome low self-worth, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs using powerful EFT Tapping and coaching. Ready to transform your emotional health and boost your confidence?

If you’re curious about EFT Tapping and how it can enhance your emotional resilience while addressing issues like low self-worth, perfectionism, and negative self-talk, download my FREE EFT book!  ➡️

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