Embrace the Power of Autumn: Let Go, Shed the Old & Start Anew with EFT Tapping

Autumn is the perfect time to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves you, and welcome new beginnings. Like trees shedding their leaves, it's time to release emotional burdens and limiting beliefs. EFT Tapping helps you let go of stress, fear, and self-doubt, creating space for growth and renewal. 🍂✨

Embrace the Power of Autumn: Let Go, Shed the Old, and Start Anew with EFT Tapping

There’s something magical about Autumn, isn’t there? As the leaves turn golden and flutter to the ground, nature reminds us that change is not only inevitable but beautiful. Just as the trees shed what no longer serves them, Autumn invites us to do the same in our own lives—to let go of the old, release the past, and prepare for something new. I've always loved the quote:

"The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go...."

Autumn is a season of transformation. For me, it's always meant change, whether or not I even wanted it. It ended up normally being a time of deep reflections, ending, and new beginnings. It’s a time when the natural world slows down, and we often feel that same pull to go inward, reflect, and consider what we need to let go of.

This Autumn, I want you to think about what’s weighing you down. Is it the stress of a difficult year, a sense of failure from unmet expectations, or perhaps old emotional wounds that you’ve been carrying far too long? Whatever it is, Autumn offers the perfect opportunity to let those burdens fall away, making space for renewal and growth.

Letting Go to Grow

Think about the trees for a moment. They don’t fight the process of shedding their leaves—they let them go naturally, trusting the cycle of seasons. This shedding process is crucial for their renewal. Without it, they wouldn’t have the space or energy to bloom again in the spring. What if you could approach your own emotional release the same way?

For me, this has not always been an easy process. I admit for SO LONG there were many things that I didn't even want to look at, to remember, to forgive, to release, simply because it was too painful. But you know what? Releasing sets you free. Letting go sets you free.

“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” -Daphne Rose Kingma...

Imagine how free it would be to let go of the past—those old beliefs, fears, and hurts weighing you down. Just as the trees need to release the old to grow new leaves, you need to release what no longer serves you so you can step into your next chapter with confidence and clarity. Removing old blocks, weakening the emotional charge of past negative experiences, letting go of old pain, hurt, anger, sadness, failtures, and people along the way.

EFT Tapping: Your Tool for Letting Go

This is where EFT Tapping comes in as a powerful tool for personal transformation. Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping, is like a reset button for your emotions.

It’s a simple, yet deeply effective, mind-body technique that helps you release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs—those things that keep you stuck in patterns of fear, doubt, and stress. Much like nature prepares for a new season by shedding the old, EFT Tapping helps you clear away the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying so you can move forward.

By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on the negative feelings or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, you allow your body to release that emotional charge. It’s like peeling off layers of old, unnecessary weight and making room for something fresh and new—just as Autumn prepares the landscape for the possibilities of spring.


This Autumn, why not take a cue from nature? Instead of holding on to past hurts, fears, and limiting beliefs, embrace the opportunity to shed them. With EFT Tapping, you can release what’s no longer serving you and step into the new season with a renewed sense of purpose, clarity, and self-compassion.

But letting go can be challenging, right? Whether it’s lingering stress, emotional baggage from past experiences, or feelings of self-doubt, it can be hard to know how to move forward. That’s where EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) comes in. In this blog, we’ll explore how Autumn’s symbolism connects to personal growth and how you can use EFT Tapping to help release emotional blocks, ease stress, and prepare yourself for new beginnings.

Autumn’s Natural Invitation to Let Go

Autumn is a season filled with symbolism. As nature begins to wind down, trees drop their leaves, and animals prepare for the colder months ahead. It’s a time of reflection, a slowing down, and an opportunity to let go. The falling leaves remind us that shedding old layers is not only natural but necessary. Without releasing what is no longer needed, trees can’t conserve the energy they need to survive the winter and flourish in the spring.

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” -Jack Kornfiel

The same goes for you. You may not be a tree (obviously!), but just like them, you can benefit from this natural cycle of letting go. Maybe you’ve been holding onto past disappointments, stress, or feelings of uncertainty about the future. Autumn provides the perfect backdrop for reflecting on what emotional “leaves” you need to let go of so you can move forward with more clarity and lightness.

Connect to Personal Growth

Think about it: How many times have you wanted to move forward in life but felt held back by old fears, anxieties, or limiting beliefs? Maybe you’ve been stuck in a pattern of stress, always feeling like you’re running on empty, or perhaps you’ve been doubting your own worth and capabilities. Autumn encourages you to stop, reflect, and make space for renewal. The good news is that you don’t have to do this alone.

Enter EFT Tapping—a simple, yet powerful tool that can help you release what’s holding you back and create the space for new growth. This mind-body technique works by tapping on specific acupressure points on your body while focusing on the negative emotions or limiting beliefs you want to release. It’s like giving your nervous system a gentle reset, helping you clear emotional blocks and make way for new beginnings.

Ready to dive into how EFT Tapping can help you embrace Autumn’s energy of transformation? Let’s take a look at six key areas where EFT can help you shed the old and start fresh.

Here are some starting points and set up statements for when you're doing DIY tapping making your own script. For faster results on deeper issues to let go. See below on the exact steps to do EFT Tapping on yourself..

How to Do EFT Tapping By Yourself: A Simple Guide to Creating Your Own Script

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is an excellent self-help tool that can help you manage stress, anxiety, fears, and other negative emotions. While working with a practitioner is ideal for deep healing, you can still experience great results tapping on your own. Here’s how to create your own tapping routine and script:

Step 1: Rate Your Emotion on a Scale of 0-10

Before you start tapping, tune into the emotion you’re feeling. How intense is it? Rate it on a scale from 0-10, where 0 is no intensity and 10 is the most intense you can imagine. This will help you track your progress throughout the process.

Step 2: Create Your Setup Statement

Next, focus on the emotion or issue you want to release. You’ll begin with a “setup statement” while tapping on the karate chop point (the side of your hand). The setup statement follows this structure:

"Even though I feel [describe the emotion, e.g., anxious, stressed, overwhelmed], I deeply and completely accept myself."

For example, if you're feeling anxious, you might say:
"Even though I feel really anxious right now, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Step 3: Tap Through the Points

After the setup, move through the following tapping points on your body while stating how you feel about the emotion. Remember to breathe deeply as you tap. The points are:

Eyebrow (just above the inner corner of the eyebrow)

Side of Eye (on the bone next to the outer corner of the eye)

Under Eye (on the bone directly below the eye)

Under Nose (between your nose and upper lip)

Chin (between the bottom of your lip and your chin)

Collarbone (just below the collarbone)

Under Arm (about 4 inches below the armpit)

Top of Head (the crown of your head)

As you tap on each point, speak aloud or internally about your feelings. For example, you could say:
"This anxiety feels overwhelming right now."
"I feel so tense in my chest."
"This stress is making me feel stuck."

Step 4: Check Your Intensity Level

Once you’ve tapped through all the points, pause and check in with yourself. Has the intensity of the emotion changed? Rate it again on a scale from 0-10. If the intensity has gone down, you’re on the right track. If it’s still high or gone up, that’s okay—continue tapping for another round.

Step 5: Move to Positive Affirmations

Once you feel the emotion has decreased, it’s time to shift to more positive affirmations. As you continue tapping, replace the negative emotions with empowering statements. For example:
"I’m starting to feel calmer now."
"I am capable of handling this."
"I’m open to feeling peaceful and at ease."
"I release this stress and welcome clarity and calm."

A - Reduce Anxiety with EFT

Anxiety can feel like a heavy weight—one that’s hard to shake off, no matter how much you try. Whether it’s worry about the future, fear of failure, or constant overthinking, anxiety can leave you feeling stuck in an endless loop of stress and uncertainty.

Autumn is the perfect time to let go of that anxiety, and EFT Tapping can help. When you tap on specific acupressure points while acknowledging your anxious feelings, you send calming signals to your brain. This helps to reduce your body’s stress response and quiet the mind, giving you the space to breathe and feel more at ease.

How to Tap for Anxiety: Start by acknowledging the anxiety. You might say something like, “Even though I’m feeling anxious about the future, I deeply and completely accept myself.” As you tap through the points, notice how your body and mind begin to relax, allowing you to let go of the anxiety that’s been weighing you down.

U - Unblock Uncertainty through Tapping

Uncertainty is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with. Whether it’s uncertainty about your career, relationships, or even your own self-worth, it can lead to feelings of confusion and overwhelm.

EFT Tapping is an excellent tool for unblocking uncertainty and helping you feel more grounded and in control. When you tap, you’re able to process and release the fears or doubts associated with uncertainty, making space for clarity and confidence.

How to Tap for Uncertainty: Begin by acknowledging your feelings of uncertainty. For example, “Even though I feel uncertain about what’s next, I choose to trust that things will work out.” As you tap, allow yourself to release the need for control and embrace the possibility of new opportunities and growth.


T - Tackle Tension and Stress

Who doesn’t deal with stress these days? Whether it’s the pressure of work, personal responsibilities, or the weight of daily life, stress can build up and manifest as tension in both your body and mind. Over time, this stress can leave you feeling drained, stuck, and disconnected from your true self.

Tapping is a fantastic way to tackle that tension. By focusing on the specific stressors that are causing you tension while tapping, you help to release both the emotional and physical manifestations of stress. It’s like hitting the reset button on your nervous system, allowing you to feel lighter and more relaxed.

How to Tap for Stress: Identify the source of your stress—maybe it’s a looming deadline or an unresolved issue in your personal life. Start with a phrase like, “Even though I’m feeling stressed about [insert situation], I deeply and completely accept myself.” As you tap, notice how the tension in your body starts to dissipate, giving you the space to handle challenges with more ease.

U - Uplift Your Unworthiness with Self-Compassion

Feeling unworthy is one of the biggest blocks to personal growth. Whether it’s rooted in childhood experiences, societal expectations, or past failures, feelings of unworthiness can prevent you from stepping into your full potential. They often show up as self-doubt, negative self-talk, or fear of failure.

EFT Tapping helps you uplift those feelings of unworthiness by encouraging self-compassion. As you tap, you acknowledge the limiting belief that you’re not good enough, and you gently begin to reframe it with kindness and acceptance. Over time, tapping rewires your brain to recognize your inherent worth, allowing you to embrace your true value.

How to Tap for Unworthiness: Start by acknowledging the feelings of not being good enough. For example, “Even though I feel like I’m not worthy of success, I choose to accept myself and my journey.” As you tap, allow yourself to release the harsh self-judgments and invite in a sense of self-compassion and worthiness.

M - Manage Your Mindset for Empowerment

Your mindset shapes your reality. If you’re constantly focused on what’s not going well or telling yourself you can’t achieve your goals, you’re setting yourself up for a life filled with limitation and frustration. On the other hand, if you manage your mindset and focus on empowerment, you open the door to new possibilities and growth.

EFT Tapping is a powerful tool for managing your mindset. By tapping on negative thoughts or limiting beliefs, you help to clear those mental blocks and create a more empowering, positive mindset. This shift allows you to take action with confidence and pursue your goals with renewed energy.

How to Tap for Empowerment: Begin by identifying a limiting belief or negative thought that’s been holding you back. For example, “Even though I believe I’m not capable of achieving my goals, I choose to believe in my power to succeed.” As you tap, notice how your mindset shifts from one of doubt to one of empowerment and possibility.

N - Nurture Your Nervous System Naturally with EFT

Your nervous system plays a huge role in how you handle stress, emotions, and challenges. When it’s constantly in fight-or-flight mode, it’s hard to feel calm, centered, and in control. EFT Tapping is a natural way to nurture your nervous system, helping to calm the stress response and restore balance.

When you tap, you stimulate specific acupressure points that send signals to your brain, telling it to relax. This calms your body’s stress response and helps your nervous system return to a state of balance. The more you tap, the more resilient your nervous system becomes, allowing you to handle stress and challenges with greater ease.

How to Tap for Nervous System Balance: Focus on the specific stressor or emotion that’s putting your nervous system on high alert. Start with a phrase like, “Even though I’m feeling overwhelmed and stressed, I choose to nurture my nervous system and find balance.” As you tap, notice how your body starts to relax, and your mind becomes more centered and calm.

Conclusion: Embrace Autumn’s Power of Renewal with EFT Tapping

Just as Autumn is a time for nature to shed the old and prepare for renewal, it’s also the perfect time for you to let go of what’s been holding you back. Whether it’s anxiety, stress, feelings of unworthiness, or limiting beliefs, EFT Tapping offers a simple yet powerful way to release those emotional blocks and make space for new growth.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” -Ann Lander

By reducing anxiety, unblocking uncertainty, tackling tension, uplifting your sense of worth, managing your mindset, and nurturing your nervous system, EFT Tapping helps you embrace the power of personal transformation. This Autumn, take the opportunity to reflect on what you need to let go of and use EFT Tapping to shed those old layers, just like the trees shedding their leaves.

Are you ready to step into a new season of personal growth, empowerment, and renewal? It’s time to embrace the power of Autumn and let EFT Tapping guide you through.. Schedule a free consultation with me to learn more! 


ANDREA HUNT - Transformational Life Coach & EFT Tapping Practitioner based in Munich, Germany

As an Accredited Transformational Coach (Animas Centre UK) and Certified EFT Practitioner (AEFTP), I help you overcome low self-worth, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs using powerful EFT Tapping and coaching. Ready to transform your emotional health and boost your confidence?

If you’re curious about EFT Tapping and how it can enhance your emotional resilience while addressing issues like low self-worth, perfectionism, and negative self-talk, download my FREE EFT book!  ➡️ https://bit.ly/4e672x7


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