How to Re-Create a Life Vision After Everything That's Happened Since Pandemic
Let's be honest, for a lot of people, the last few years prompted a full-on existential crisis. Like the kind people have during a mid-life crisis. The result? The Big Resignation, Quiet Quitting, etc etc. How are you doing these days? Do you feel you've been able to fulfill your dreams despite the pandemic? Or has it brought on some difficult questions and not so many answers in terms of what you feel you should be doing and what's truly important in your life.
Have you promised yourself that NOW is the time you're going to make some serious changes but on the other hand, you just aren't sure what those changes need to be? If you feel confused about what you want out of life now, you're not alone. Read on to learn how to re-create your life vision after everything that's happened since the pandemic.
"If you don’t have a vision you’re going to be stuck in what you know. And the only thing you know is what you’ve already seen.” Iyanla Vanzant
How are you feeling about your life after the last few years?

I don't need to tell you that the last few years have been a whirlwind for mental health and instability, uncertainty, and anxiety. For many people, their whole lives and sense of certainty and security were taken away.
People lost jobs.
Lockdown broke up couples.
People lost money.
People lost family and friends.
Lockdown killed people's hope.
When you take away anything stable and reliable, some people find they are left with a search for meaning and purpose. For some people, that time in lockdown was full of positive introspection. Families had more time together, for better or worse.
In the midst of severe stressful events, people are often left wondering and questioning where they are in life. Several things came out of this situation for many people as a global collective:
- some people started to realize the value of things they'd always taken for granted
- some people started to realize the world they had created for themselves sucked
- some people realized that nothing in life is certain, no matter how much you plan
- some people realized they lacked purpose or passion on a regular basis
- some people realized they had been stuck in jobs that were unfulfilling
- some people realized they had been stuck with people in relationships that were unfulfilling
- some people realized they wanted more time with their families and loved ones.
- some people realized they had taken health for granted
- some people developed severe anxiety or depression
And many, many other consequences -- do any of these sound familiar to you?
Re-creating your life vision

It might sound weird to start from scratch so that's not what we are talking about. You can take your original ideas and start updating and tweaking them.
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Think about laying out a vision, but make it a big vision. Take some time alone. Grab a journal. Now sit somewhere comfortable perhaps on the sofa or the floor. Close your eyes. Think about the different areas of your life and what you'd like it to look and feel like.
The process of creation starts with a thought, a great idea, a passionate want, or a dream of something magnificent to achieve. These are the intangible sparks that ignite our drive to move forward and turn the intangible into our reality.
Take a moment to consider the life you desire. One that includes both your passion and the abilities you have grown to share with others in your immediate circles and beyond. Keep in mind that you have a lot to give, regardless of your position, venture, or profession. Only you can give your strengths in your own way since you are unique.
Start creating it in your head first
Create your vision of what you truly want so that you may take creative action steps to make it a reality, whether it's running a home-based internet business, mentoring or assisting people, raising a family, developing the greatest software, etc.
Don't censor your ideas or thoughts during the initial brainstorming session. Start with the personal vision. If you are working on both your personal and professional visions to choose what you want and how you want to spend your time. This will provide you with complete clarity on what is significant to you, what you desire, and what aspects of your life are most meaningful to you. From there, you may envision your perfect company or profession and take steps to make your dreams a reality.
Be absolutely clear about what you actually desire. Don't merely state that you want a lovely home, a lot of money, and no worries.
Make a mental image of everything you desire, including the carpet's color and a client list, and then, using words, sketch that image until it is crystal apparent.
Examples of things to write and imagine:
I want to run a successful holistic healthcare business because I want to help people and thrive doing what I love.
In addition to passive income revenue streams, I want to work on a long-term project that is my passion project from a hobby.
I want to work five days a week from noon to six, using the rest of the day for self-care activities like gardening, exercise, and socializing with friends and family.
I want to earn $100,000 a year and enjoy 3 weeks of vacation time every year alone or with my friends or family.
To enhance my job and myself, I want spend three weeks a year in educational workshops and training programs since I love to learn.
These are the same steps I take with my clients to help them make the changes in focus and habits that bring them meaningful results. First, you must be willing to make the changes. Don't know where to start? My transformational coaching and EFT Tapping package starts with an honest life audit of what's working and what's not and in which areas. We'll set out your intentions to give you the clarity to move forward with the reasons behind your goals. Set up a discovery call with me to learn more.
Creating a goal plan to go with your vision

Without changing your focus and habits you will never be able to change the results. This is sometimes hard to do if you only look at the big picture. This is where creating a plan with specific goals comes in handy as a start.
Creating a plan and writing down your goals is incredibly important and science backs this up. An article in Forbes on goal setting and success notes that:
"People who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals."
Start by breaking it up into your goals into different time segments as this can make it much less overwhelming. Maybe try using a table or spreadsheet if that's what you prefer. Use a journal with bullets. If you're a visual person, take a huge sheet of poster. Make circles with these different time periods and draw lines to the goals with arrows.
Write down your goals for the week and think about what they will bring to your life.
Write down your goals for the month.
Then write down your goals for 3 months.
Now write down your goals for 6 Months.
Now write down your goals for 1 year.
Now write down your goals for 5 years.
Consider the different areas of your life
Your finances.
Your career
Your social life
Your relationship or love life
Your physical health
Your mental/emotional health
Your personal growth
Your dreams
Start taking action on your dreams
Remember, that without taking action you will never move forward and reach the results you want. Changing your life is about setting out the measurable steps to be taken that result in action and success.
One article in Entrepreneur Magazine puts it perfectly:
"We've heard the phrases "Live your dreams" and "Never quit." The deeper meaning of this lies in the action. All the dreams, plans and goals are useless if we never take action. Taking action, in and of itself, is not enough. Strategic action is the key to success."
You are in charge of the momentum; unless you decide to have the assistance, inspiration, direction, and accountability. For many of us, that can be hard to do because it's hard to be accountable to ourselves. It's this benefit that a coach offers: the clarity, the why behind your goals, and the accountability you need to take action. Then, it will be up to you to take the necessary measures on your own. Trust me, I get it!
My biggest progress in life has actually not been on my own but once I started having a coach to help me hold myself accountable. Every week we would check in and she'd say: 'Ok Andrea, last week you mentioned that by today's session, you wanted to have completed X, Y, Z task because X, Y, Z reason. And you know what? I did it! That was the first time in my life I had had a coach, and because of it, I stepped so far outside of my comfort zone that I started my own business and created my dream job helping people who are afraid to take actions to change their lives.
Without the drive to move forward with motivated acts, it is simply an idea. You need to have one thing in common for your business to succeed, for your profession to be pleasant and fulfilling, or for your personal life to be prosperous and content. Vision and Action.
So there you have it. A rough blue print for how to get clarity on what you want. Now, go for it!
If you feel you need a bit of help, I do exercises exactly like this to help you move forward and it helps clients get out of their own way to start re-creating the life they know they deserve. If you start feeling resistence coming up when you make big goals, it's normal. Stay focused. If you find yourself procrastinating, fearing failure, or even fearing success, it's most likely because you have some emotional blocks standing in your way. We all have them. Some people simply need a plan and they run with it. Others of us need to clear our inner resistance to going for what we want and getting out of our comfort zones. If this sounds like you, EFT Tapping is the best way to shift your mindset into one that is more empowering so that you stop the fight, flight, or freeze response when it comes to your goals.
ANDREA HUNT - Transformational Life Coach & EFT Tapping Practitioner based in Munich, Germany

Accredited Transformational Coach (Animas Centre UK) and Certified EFT Practitioner (AEFTP), I help you overcome low self-worth, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs using powerful EFT Tapping & coaching. Ready to transform your emotional health & boost confidence?
If you're not sure what EFT Tapping is and want to learn how it can transform your emotional health, make you more emotionally resilient, and boost your confidence by helping you overcome low self worth, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, negative self-talk, download my FREE EFT book! ➡️
If you're interested in booking a free 15 minute discovery call for transformational life coaching, EFT Tapping or checking out my services page click here.
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