Living Deliberately Today:

EFT Tapping, Empowerment Coaching & Emotional Health for a better life

Empowering individuals, professionals and business leaders to thrive with better emotional health and unwavering confidence using EFT Empowerment Coaching. Break free from comfort zones without stress, anxiety, fears, for a life of purpose, resilience, joy, and growth to master the art of living deliberately.

My clients have included:  Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Expats and Digital Nomads, Teachers, Nurses & Hospitality Professionals, Moms & Dads, and Students...

Whether you're struggling with imposter syndrome, negative self-talk, low self-esteem, feeling worthy, stressed or burned out, starting over after setbacks or wanting a new path, I provide empowered healing using EFT Tapping for ultimate fulfillment.

What are fear, hesitation, and a lack of confidence really costing you in life?

Let’s overcome what’s been holding you back to redefine your journey

read my blog

 "If not YOU, then WHO? If not NOW, then WHEN?"- Andrea Hunt

“You're one decision away from a totally different life.”
- Mel Robbins

My certifications and qualifications:

AEFTP Certified EFT Professional, Accredited Diploma in Coach Training, ACSTH ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours, EMCC Global Quality Award Practitioner, ICF Member International Coaching Federation
Self-awareness helps you unblock unhealthy patterns

Emotional Health:

Emotional well-being is the cornerstone of confidence, effectiveness, and productivity. Without emotional stability and the ability to re-calibrate, we lack emotional resilience and will struggle to handle life's challenges. EFT tapping sessions empower you to release stress, overwhelm, and reframe situations, providing clarity and the ability to navigate the challenges of life with more emotional resilience.

Empowerment gets you unstuck so you can stop struggling and raise your standards.

Healing Belief Wounds:

Many carry wounds from past experiences that echo in feelings of not being enough, being 'too much' unworthy or undeserving, or feeling unsafe to be ourselves. EFT Tapping is your key to releasing belief wounding like being afraid to be seen or heard, fearing judgment, being an imposter, letting go of emotional baggage, and loving yourself to embrace positivity and self-worth.

Building Confidence:

Confidence is a muscle we exercise, and EFT empowerment coaching is your personal trainer. By releasing fears of inadequacy, judgment, being an imposter, and self-doubt, you pave the way for unwavering self-assurance. EFT helps you overcome self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors like procrastination and perfectionism, allowing your confidence to shine as you conquer your goals.

What are fear, hesitation, and a lack of confidence really costing you in life?

How does EFT Empowerment Coaching work?

Transformational Coaching can be used as a powerful tool to improve your self-awareness, uncover blocks and resistance to possibilities, navigate challenges in life, set clear intentions for your future, create more balance in certain areas, and fulfill your goals in life.

EFT Tapping is a powerful mind body tool to overcome past situations, reframe your mindset, unblock limiting beliefs and self sabotage, manage stress, anxiety, and emotional health, improve confidence, and change the way you think and feel about things.

Check Out My EFT Tapping Empowerment Blog

Start transforming your life today with powerful articles on mindset shifts, relationships, healthy living, travel expat life, and more!

EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Embrace the Power of Autumn: Let Go, Shed the Old & Start Anew with EFT Tapping

Autumn is the perfect time to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves you, and welcome new beginnings. Like trees shedding their leaves, it's time to release emotional burdens and limiting beliefs. EFT Tapping helps you let go of stress, fear, and self-doubt, creating space for growth and renewal. 🍂✨

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EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Healing Hearts: How an EFT Practitioner Can Help You Recover After a Breakup

Have you recently experienced a painful breakup or are you going through a divorce? If you're struggling to move forward and heal, EFT tapping can be a valuable tool. This mind-body technique can help you process your emotions, release negative energy, and find solace during difficult times. Whether you're seeking additional support to your therapy or looking for a way to soothe the emotional pain, EFT tapping can offer a path to healing. Read on to learn more..

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EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

How Childhood Bullying Impacts Men's Self-Esteem & How EFT Tapping Restores Confidence

Childhood bullying often follows men into adulthood, impacting their self-esteem and confidence. As Julia Gillard said, "Bullying is not just physical violence; it's psychological violence that leaves scars on the soul." Discover how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help men rebuild their self-esteem and inner strength, offering hope and healing from these emotional wounds. Learn how EFT can be a powerful tool for recovery and confidence.

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"I am a German expat living in the US and wanted to try coaching because I am transitioning from a Corporate 9-5 life to entrepreneurship. Andrea was incredibly helpful in finding my path and gaining confidence for this very challenging journey. I love that she always asks the right questions, leading me to answers and solutions that I would have otherwise never found. Her coaching was really valuable to me and finally set me up for success."

N. Jay

"I am a Syrian journalist based in London. I was struggling to find new ways to advance in my writing career and shift it more towards creative writing. Coaching sessions with Andrea have helped me commit to creative writing and make decisions that take me towards my desired destination. The sessions have also helped me in my personal life, as I was able to analyze my relationships further and understand my needs more"

A. Albezreh

"I'm an Italian expat living in the UK; I strongly recommend Andrea, she is a positive person able to bring a lot of light. She is a good listener and you will definitely find an excellent support! Thanks Andrea!"

A. Sieve

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